Gao Xingjian - A Documentary (2012)

A Documentary on the Nobel laureate Gao Xingjian that developed in the context of his visit to the IKGF in 2011.

At the IKGF a conference with and about Nobel laureate in literature Gao Xingjian took place from 24-27 October 2011. By documenting Gao´s visit of several days and through Michael Lackner’s interview with him, Gao’s artistic transposition and personal attitude towards fate and freedom are revealed. Gao’s writing, painting, and cinematic art reflect his inner and outer journey into exile – an exile that is fated. During the conference, several parts of the opus of the laureate were exhibited. The Museum Tucherschloss in Nuremberg presented in a special exhibition the artist’s ink on rice paper paintings, the E-Werk in Erlangen showed his films (“La silhouette sinon l’ombre”, “Après le déluge” and “Snow in August“), and the City Library in Nuremberg gave a reading on his novel “Soul Mountain”. Academics, translators and artists, such as Mabel Lee, Wang Liying, Kwok-kan Tam, Renate Reifenscheid, and John McDonald, describe their impressions of Gao´s opus.