Dr. Martin Kroher

Bild von Martin Kroher

Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung "Schicksal, Freiheit und Prognose. Bewältigungsstrategien in Ostasien und Europa"
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen

  • Telefon: +49 9131 85 64322

IKGF Research Fellow

IKGF Research Project

Disasters and Celestial Phenomena in 11th Century Political Discourse in China

Curriculum vitae

After passing the University Entrance Exam (‘Abitur’) in Niederalteich, Martin Kroher studied Sinology, History, and German Language and Literature Studies at the University of Würzburg, Germany. In 2003, he graduated from the University of Würzburg with an MA degree, and between 2004 and 2006 taught diverse undergraduate courses there. Martin Kroher entered the PhD program at Harvard University in 2006. Aside from Middle Period Chinese History, his general/qualifying examination fields included Early Chinese and Pre-Modern Japanese History. He served as Teaching Fellow for various courses in the General Education curriculum and elsewhere at Harvard. In November 2014, he received his PhD in Chinese History from the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. Martin Kroher joined the ICRH in July 2015. He is interested in cross-cultural questions, especially regarding phenomena that can be considered human universals, such as ritual and prognostication.

Selected Publications


  • From “With Malice Toward None” to “A House Divided”: The Impact of Changing Perceptions of Ritual and Sincerity on Elite Social Cohesion and Political Culture in Northern Song China, 1027-1067. Dissertation, Harvard University, November 2014.


  • Mao Zedong – das befleckte Staatssymbol. (Mao Zedong – The Defaced Symbol of State) in: Thomas Großbölting, Rüdiger Schmidt (eds.), Der Tod des Diktators. Ereignis und Erinnerung im 20. Jahrhundert (The death of the dictator. Event and remembrance in the 20th century). Göttingen 2011. p. 181-198.
  • Könnt Ihr das Reich vom Pferd aus regieren? – Ein Überblick über das Verwaltungssystem der Han- und Tang-Dynastie. (Can Your Majesty rule the Empire from Horseback? – An Overview of the Administrative System of the Han- and Tang-Dynasties) in: Jutta Frings (eds.), Xi‘an, Kaiserliche Macht im Jenseits: Grabfunde und Tempelschätze aus Chinas alter Hauptstadt. (Xi’an, Imperial Might in the Netherworld: Finds from Graves and Temples in China’s Old Capital) Ausstellungskatalog (exhibition catalogue), Mainz 2006. p. 74-80.
  • Die Heeresreform in der Regierungsperiode xining (1068-1077). (The Military Reforms of the Reignperiod xining, 1068-1077) in: Dieter Kuhn, Ina Asim (eds.), Beiträge zur Geschichte der Song-Zeit – Contributions to the Study of Song History. Heidelberg 2006. p. 55-141.