Forming the Future When Time Is Running Short
April 16, 2013

Prof. Felicitas Schmieder
There is a widespread conviction that the Middle Ages were bound to the Other World, that people were only living with respect to a life beyond death – that there was no future and no planning for it within the world because the upcoming time was too much determined. My thesis would be that “future” certainly had a different meaning: it was not completely open for being formed by any individual human being. But at the same time, and especially because the time was measured, people had to consider the remaining time and their actions within it – and thus were planning for a future before the end. For the workshop I would like to ask your opinion on this on the basis of your sources and with respect to the aptitude of a concept of “future”.
09:00 a.m. | Begrüßung Klaus Herbers (Erlangen) |
09:15 a.m. | Introduction Felicitas Schmieder (Hagen) |
09:30 a.m. | Forming a Future for Individuals and
Institutions in Early Medieval Ireland Elizabeth Boyle (Cambridge) |
10:30 a.m. | Coffee Break |
10:45 a.m. | Das Zukunftskonzept in der ,Apokalypse‘
Heinrichs von Hesler im Kontext des spätmittelalterlichen Eschatologie-Diskurses Susanne Ehrich (Regensburg) |
11:45 a.m. | Making the Future a Better Place:
Prophecy as a Means to Reform in Jan van
Boendale’s “Boec vander Wraken” Ulrike Wuttke (Gent) |
12:45 p.m. | Lunch break |
2:15 p.m. | Waiting for Paradise: Concepts of Future
in Hussite Apocalyptic Thinking
Pavlina Cermanova (Prague) |
3:15 p.m. | Bible Commentaries as Sources for
Scholastic Thinking about the Future
Anke Holdenried (Bristol) |
4:15 p.m. | Coffee Break |
4:30 p.m. | Forming the Future: Interrelations between Prognostics and Prophecies in the Early Middle Ages Barbara Schlieben (Berlin) |
5:30 p.m. | Closing Discussion |
Senatssaal, Schloss (Schlossplatz 4, Erlangen)