Comparisons: Like a Stick that may be Grabbed by either End ?

30th April 2013
Convenor: Dr. Ralph Weber (UFSP Asien und Europa, Universität Zürich)
In research and academic writing, we usually and often turn, in one way or another, to comparison – and this is the case regardless of whether we eventually come to qualify the undertaking as 'comparative' as well as independent of our respective discipline(s). Yet, what we do when we compare and what claims we posit by the very act of making a comparison remains little discussed, let alone understood. In this workshop, we will engage in an analysis of comparison and ask to what extent the analysis lends itself to the evaluation of a good and bad comparison and thence to recommendations regarding how to make comparisons. If comparison indeed can be usefully compared to a stick, it surely is a stick with many sides and ends.
Analysing and Evaluating Comparisons TimeApril 30, 2013, 10:30am-12:00pm LocationSenatssaal im Schloss, Schloßplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen |
How to Compare TimeApril 30, 2013, 14:00pm-17:00pm LocationFakultätsraum im Kollegienhaus, Universitätsstrasse 15, 91054 Erlangen |