Lecture Series Winter 2017-18

17.10.2017 | Between Contingency and Predestination: Prognostication, Hermeneutics, and Narrative Structure in Diary-Novels of Republican China Carsten Storm (Chinese Studies, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online... |
07.11.2017 | Old Uyghur Divination Literature and Its Relationship with Chinese Tradition Yukiyo Kasai (Turkish Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum) Listen online... Watch online... |
14.11.2017 | Fortuna Maris - and How to Handle Her: Strategies to Cope with the Dangers of the Sea in Renaissance Italy Benjamin Scheller (History of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, University of Duisburg-Essen) Watch online... |
28.11.2017 | When Astrologers Fail: Effects of and Approaches to Erroneous Prognostications in the Late Middle Ages Klaus Oschema (History of the Middle Ages, Ruhr-University Bochum) Listen online... |
05.12.2017 | Divination in Mesoamerica: A Case of Reading Maize among the Mixe of Oaxaca, Mexico Araceli Rojas Martinez Gracida (Archaeology; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online... Watch online... |
19.12.2017 | Games, Chance, and Prediction in Medieval Everday Life Matthias Heiduk (Medieval History; IKGF Research Fellow) |
09.01.2018 | Adapting versus Conforming: Two Models of Agency in the Context of Early Chinese Divination Practice Mercedes M. Valmisa Oviedo (Chinese Studies, Princeton University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online... Watch online... |
16.01.2018 | Spirit-Writing Communities and the Uncertainty of the Future in Late Imperial Sichuan Elena Valussi (Chinese Religions, Loyola University Chicago; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online... Watch online... |
23.01.2018 | Face to Face with the Gods: Rituals for Obtaining Knowledge and Power in the Magical Papyri from Roman-Period Egypt Svenja Nagel (Egyptology, Heidelberg-University) Listen online... |
06.02.2018 | The Beheaded Astrologer: Ramon Llull on the Epistemological Foundations of Astrology Alexander Fidora (Medieval Studies, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies/Autonomous University of Barcelona) Listen online... Watch online... |