Good & Bad Days. Hemerology across Cultures: Sources, Methods, Functions
04-05 February 2020
Vérène Chalendar(Collège de France; IKGF Erlangen)
Matthias Hayek (Paris Diderot University)
Lionel Marti (CNRS Paris)

Workshop Venue
IKGF Seminar Room, Building D1
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen
Determining the right moment to accomplish a given activity has been a priority in numerous societies throughout history. However, studying the theory and motives underlying hemerological practices is difficult due to a lack of theoretical writing that might inform us on how hemerology was conceived by these producing cultures. Furthermore, even if testimony bearing on the practice and impact of hemerologies can be found in various corpora, scholars encounter problems when it comes to defining the exact nature of hemerologies. The international colloquium Good & Bad Days. Hemerology across Cultures: Sources, Methods, Functions aims to bring together specialists from various geographic areas and chronological periods to address issues surrounding the definition and purpose of hemerologies. It aims to achieve a general understanding of the phenomenon by confronting various types of corpora, some of which are not always simultaneously present in the various cultures. It is hoped that any lines of transmission through time and space, direct as well as indirect, will be brought to light as a result of the interdisciplinary character of the event.
Poster Flyer AbstractsRegistration
Please register for this workshop until 28 January 2020 using this link.
4 February, 2020
9:15 a. m. | Welcome Address and Opening Remarks
Klaus Herbers (Deputy Director IKGF; FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
9:30 a. m. | Introduction
Marc Kalinowski (École Pratique des Hautes Études) |
10:00 a. m. | Coffee Break
Session 1 - Chairman: David Juste |
10:30 a. m. | Dies Fasti and Dies Nefasti Didn't Mean Auspicious and Inauspicious Days
Yann Berthelet (University of Liège) |
11:00 a. m. | Is Hemerology Greek? On Counts and Types of Days in the Ancient Greek World
Jan-Mathieu Carbon (University of Liège) |
11:30 a. m. | Discussion
12:00 p. m. | Lunch Break
Session 2 - Chairman: Esther-Maria Guggenmos |
1:30 p. m. | When to Wash One’s Face or to Construct a Dam? Aspects of Hemerological Practises in Tibet
Petra Maurer (University of Munich) |
2:00 p. m. | Genealogy, Typology, Practice and Impact of Hemerology in the Tai World
Gregory Kourilsky (École française d’Extrême-Orient, Vientiane) |
2:30 p. m. | Discussion
3:00 p. m. | Coffee Break
Session 3 - Chairman: Klaus Herbers |
3:30 p. m. | Hemerology and Its Critics in Medieval Europe
Philipp Nothaft (University of Oxford) |
4:00 p. m. | Good and Bad Days in Byzantium - Approaches to a Typology
Michael Grünbart (University of Münster) |
4:30 p. m. | Auspicious Days and Times for Completing an Arabic or Latin Text
Charles Burnett (The Warburg Institute, London) |
5:00 p. m. | Discussion
5 February, 2020
Session 4 - Chairman: Vérène Chalendar |
9:00 a. m. | Did Mesopotamia Produce Hemerological Texts?
Lionel Marti (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 7192, Paris) |
9:30 a. m. | Calendrier des jours fastes et néfastes, Calendar of Lucky and Unlucky Days, Tagewählerei. On Hemerological Texts from Ancient Egypt and How Egyptologists Have Dealt with Them
Joachim Friedrich Quack (University of Heidelberg) |
10:00 a. m. | Discussion
10:30 a. m. | Coffee Break
Session 5 - Chairman: Michael Lackner |
11:00 a. m. | Chinese Hemerology: The Theory and Practice of Harmonizing Actions with Appropriate Days
Ethan Harkness (New York University) |
11:30 a. m. | Fluctuating Values: Good and Bad Days in Japanese Manuals of Hemerology (15th-17th century)
Matthias Hayek (Paris Diderot University) |
12:00 p. m. | Discussion
12:30 p. m. | Lunch Break
Session 6 - Chairman: Michael Miller |
2:00 p. m. | Religious Calendar and Advice on the Daily Behavior in Zoroastrianism
Enrico Raffaelli (University of Toronto) |
2:30 p. m. | The Visual Presentation of Day Lists in Ancient and Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts
Sacha Stern (University College London) |
3:00 p. m. | Discussion and final remarks
International Consortium for Research in the Humanities
"Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe."
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen
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